The Kink and Polyamory Aware Professionals Directory (KAP) is a service offered by NCSF dedicated to providing the community with a listing of psychotherapeutic, medical, legal and other professionals who have stated that they are knowledgeable about and sensitive to diverse expressions of sexuality.
KAP cannot and does not in any way endorse or recommend any of these professionals, as their inclusion on this list is done without any verification or screening by NCSF. However, each professional listed has volunteered to be available to be contacted by people involved in “kinky” sexuality (leather, BDSM, fetish, polyamory, the Lifestyle, etc.) either by contacting KAP directly or through another kink-friendly publication or organization.
The first step is to register for KAP to add, claim, or change a listing. Registration Instructions.
Canada, we also accept submissions from kink-aware professionals throughout the world. In addition to their professional category, KAP providers may also list themselves in the “Worldwide and Internet-Based Providers” category to indicate that they offer their services via the web or phone.