I see my job as helping folks examine why we beat ourselves and others up emotionally, and how to do something different. Together, we’ll work on figuring out what matters most to you and navigating toward it. If you value straight-forwardness, humor, geeky metaphors, and having someone sit with you in the discomfort, we are probably a good match.
Our work together will face growing pains related to identity, relationships, and living a life in line with the things you value most. We'll create a better understanding of what you want and need in life, practice communicating effectively in the midst of big emotions, and start to rebuild connection with yourself and others. I especially love working with folks who are part of the trans, queer/LGBT+, non-monogamous, and kink/BDSM communities. Your identity is worthy here. You can expect to use sessions focused on goals, not educating your therapist on the basics. Reaching out can be difficult; it's my hope you can give yourself some credit for making it this far and seeking out what you need. You can connect with me by phone or email to schedule a free consultation. Let's see if we're a good fit.