Confidence From the Inside Out

Headshot of smiling woman, auburn hair, jean jacket and scarf, green background
Name of Primary Practitioner
Johanna Lyman (she/they)
Business Category
Business Excerpt
Trauma-informed somatic coach helping womxn/femmes feel as confident on the inside as they look from the outside.
Business Description

Johanna Lyman (she/they) is a trauma-informed somatic coach helping womxn/femmes feel as confident on the inside as they look from the outside. She is a certified life coach and uses a number of somatic and energy-based modalities to help her clients quiet their inner critics, ditch the imposter syndrome, trust their guts, and feel like their fully empowered selves. 

There’s one of those invisible red threads that tie everything she does together with one through-line: she works to ensure that all of her clients learn how to feel a profound sense of belonging, inside and out. Meaning: she helps her clients become the best version of themselves, be comfortable in their own skin, and be kind humans to others. All of this is in service to shifting the cultural paradigm from scarcity to sufficiency, from fear to Love. 

 As she likes to say, (Abraham) Maslow was wrong! Physiological needs are NOT at the bottom of the Needs Pyramid, Belonging is. Our cave-dwelling (or nomadic) ancestors understood this: if you were to be kicked out of your tribe, it was a death sentence. No way could you survive for long without the support of community. You’d either freeze to death, starve, or become the saber-toothed tiger’s next meal. Belonging matters a LOT. 

Yet thanks to our patriarchal, capitalist society, we’ve not only forgotten what our ancestors knew in their bones, we’ve bought into the Lies of white supremacy and capitalism, believing in the zero-sum game of “there’s not enough to go around”- the root of NEGAtive thinking. We believe the Lie of rugged individualism– I mean, tell the truth to yourself: how hard is it for you to ask for help? Go ahead, I’ll wait…..

Gender of Practitioner
Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher
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Internet Based Business
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