horizon therapy

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Horizon Therapy
Business Name
Name of Primary Practitioner
Tammy Marcus
Business Excerpt
Welcome to Horizon Therapy in Toronto, Ontario where we offer mental health services that are sex, kink, and poly aware & positive!
Gender of Practitioner
MSW, RSW, Dip TIRP, Tammy Nelson, Martha Kauppi
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
416 654 0196
Business Contact Email
Business Address
455 Avenue Road
Ontario M4J 1S7
Internet Based Business
Both Remote and Brick and Mortar
Do You Accept Insurance?
Tell us about the payment options you accept and any additional insurance details.
Credit card or e-transfer
Poly Awareness Level
Kink Awareness Level
Swinger (Lifestyle) Awareness Level
Additional Location Data
Danforth and Chester